Saturday, February 22, 2014

Time to Switch It Up?

Your workout regimen just like your clean eating regimen needs variety. Variety in both what you eat and your activity keeps you interested, motivated and on track to reach your goals.

Are you showing the signs of the need to switch up your fitness routine?

1. You can't remember the last time you felt the burn or were sore...
2. You determine cardio by spending time on an elliptical or treadmill
3. You are bored by your workouts
4. You aren't seeing results anymore
5. You are no longer challenged by your fitness routine

If you are experiencing any of the above it's time to switch it up! You can switch up your fitness routine daily, every two weeks, monthly or any time you are feeling that you need a challenge or to keep motivated. There is a great big fitness world out there just waiting for you to explore.

Are you showing the signs of the need to switch up your clean eating regimen?

1. You eat the same foods on a daily basis
2. You aren't satisfied after you eat your meal
3. You can recite what you've eaten for the week
4. Your grocery list consists of the same 5 items
5.  You are no longer seeing weight loss results

If you are experiencing any of the above it's time to switch up what you are eating! Trade recipes with a friend, eat a fruit or vegetable you've never tried.  Research what you are eating and how you can put a different spin on it.

Switching up your fitness and eating routine will help you burn more calories, see better results and say good bye to the old you for good!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day!

Valentines Day is here again, a day to say I love you and to spoil the ones we love. A day where treats are flowing and temptation repeatedly knocks on your door.  Make today about loving yourself!   Make today the day to show your willpower (say NO to that chocolate)! Make today about pushing yourself that much harder, the harder you work the better you look the better you feel. To allow someone the chance to really love and adore you, you must love yourself first. Do something heart healthy with your valentine today and get those heart rates up! Happy Valentines Day All...Fitness is fun and loveable. xoxoxo

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Tool For Serving Sizes!

Eating well and clean but still not seeing a difference? The answer is probably not in what you are eating but how much you are eating.  Remember that even the healthiest of items have a serving size! You are what you eat so eat clean, well balanced and the correct serving sizes.

Monday, February 3, 2014

It's Monday!

It's Monday! Why do most women dread Monday morning? Other than going to work it's because most women and people in general wake up Monday morning feeling sorry about the weekend.  Sorry about what you ate, how much drank, the workouts you missed.  You then start the viscous cycle of Monday thru Friday "dieting"!! Stop the madness now...Throw the word DIET right out of your vocabulary.  Create a manageable fitness and healthy eating plan.  One that come Friday you don't have to throw out the window, only to feel bad Next Monday morning.  Let today be your day, let this week be your week, stick to your plan, stick to a new lifestyle and Monday's will come that much easier.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back to Business!

They say in life sometimes you must step away from something in order to reflect on it, strengthen it and make it better.  I've stepped away from blogging for far too long, taking that time to watch my youngest daughter in her first year of life and it has been amazing.  However, fitness and setting fitness goals and challenges is my passion so lets get back to business! My hope is that 2014 will be my year, your year, our year to reach our fitness goals. There is power in numbers, lets go release our  inner DIVAS.  Determined Inspired Vivacious Athletes!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Few Things to Remember!!

Please use the calorie corner as an easy way to look up calories in the foods you eat on a daily basis.  I have added some new items today and I will make an effort going forward to add more foods daily.  Please feel free to email me those foods that you eat often and I will add to the list

Remember to exercise first thing in the morning if possible, eat your first meal right after working out although not before drinking two large glasses of water, one warm with lemon and one cold.  Keep your metabolism going all day by feeding it every 2 to 3 hours.  Dinner should be before 7pm and if you can be in bed by 11 that will help speed your weight loss and keep you healthy and HAPPY!

The key to living a healthy lifestyle is holding yourself responsible for what you put in your body on a daily basis.  Most of you already have them, but keep a food journal, write down exactly what you eat and when, this will help keep you on track.  Of course, limit alcohol! A glass of red wine once in a while is actually good for you, but drinking glasses of red wine, bottles of beer and other hard alcohol will inhibit your ability to reach your fitness goals.

I have heard several comments to the likes of "You have to Live!" "You can't starve yourself" "You have to have fun" etc, all true, however ALL ARE excuses to eat and do what you want even if it isn't what is right for your healthy lifestyle. "Living" is keeping yourself healthy so that you can live a longer more fulfilled life.  Drinking and Eating to excess is not "living", keeping on extra weight especially belly fat is not "living", Fun should not be correlated to how much you eat and/or drink but measured by the memories you make with family and friends.  The happier and healthier you are the more living you'll do and the more FUN you'll have!!

FALL BACK IN LOVE with being healthy and looking good and remember I'm here to help!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Baby Aliya!

It's been too long since I've posted a blog, but I am back at it! Baby Aliya Ann arrived September 18th and she is absolutely precious and was worth every pound gained which was a total of 42lbs, she weighed 6 14' at birth, you do the math! I am currently down 22 lbs and have 20 to go and the most challenging part is that I am not able to workout for another 3 weeks.  I am determined to stay healthy and on track and to lose this 20 lbs by December 14th which is when I return to work and need to fit back into my work clothes.  I invite anyone who has slipped off the wagon to hop back on with me and embark on another fun journey as we discover how great we felt when we were eating healthy and working out.  Every little bit counts, I never thought I'd catch myself saying that even walking is an acceptable exercise however that is the only exercise I can do for the next three weeks and I'm confident that this activity is better than no activity!  So ladies, let's get er' done, let's get back into action and get ourselves ready for the Holidays that are about to sneak up on us.  I've missed you all and missed blogging and I hope to see each of you very soon.  Below is a sneak peek at my baby girl Aliya!  Let's Go!